Happy 3 Year Anniversary!
Hi! How have you been? It’s been a while. You look good. The last article I published on the Game Complaint Department was back at the end of April. So, what happened to me? Well, let’s just say that, similar to many others, 2020 hasn’t been kind to me.
It’s been three years since the Game Complaint Department opened its doors on July 19th, 2017. This has been the slowest year for the site with only 21 articles published bringing us to this, the 174th article on the site. It’s been tough. I just haven’t been doing as much writing as I normally would. I did take part in a very exciting project that I hope I’ll be able to talk about soon.
I’ll get to my apology and promise for next year soon, but first, let’s once again look at some stats:
- Highest Rated Game: 8/10 – Dandy Dungeon: Legend of Brave Yamada, Yakuza 0, Hotline Miami, The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening, Resident Evil (Remake)
- Lowest Rated Games: 3/10 – Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon, Clayfighter: Sculptor’s Cut
Nothing hit 9/10 this year, which isn’t terribly surprising. That score is generally reserved for games that blew my mind.
- 2 Negative Reviews (4/10 and below)
- 2 Neutral Reviews (5/10)
- 17 Positive reviews (6/10 and above)
That’s significantly more positive than previous years. I peppered in a couple of games that I really didn’t like, but mostly, I liked what I played this year.
- Most Viewed Article: Review – Demon’s Crest
- Second Most Viewed Article: Jalopy and My Summer Car: A Tale of Two Cars
I didn’t really write an article this year that I feel deserves more views. It was mostly just reviews, and that’s fine. Hopefully, something awesome will come up this year. Hopefully, it won’t be overlooked, though.
Speaking of which, how is readership? Honestly, it’s been going steady, which is to say, it isn’t spectacular but considering how little new content I’ve been putting out, it’s been comforting. Hopefully with some more work, I’ll be able to turn this site into something special.
So, here it is: I’m sorry I wasn’t very productive this year. It has, truly, probably been the most difficult year of my life, and if I’m being honest with you and myself, I’m not okay.
But, I’m working on getting better, and one of the things that I plan on doing to help myself is to dive back into writing. It is my passion, after all, and if I get to play more video games while I’m at it, then that’s all the better.
With that said, I’m happy to announce that starting tomorrow, I’ll be resuming my two articles a week pace. I don’t know how long I can keep that up, after all, I’m also still writing for Destructoid and Mega Cat Studios. However, I’ll do my best to keep new articles flowing to the Game Complaint Department. Hopefully, together, we can get through this.
Let’s do it.