• The Sinking City Header
    2010s,  Review

    Review – The Sinking City

    Lovecraft is someone often imitated but never matched. A significant number of games have lifted from his mythos to different levels of success, but there's something intransferable about his storytelling. The Sinking City is an interesting take on his brand of horror, but it winds up a very mixed bag.

  • Header Black Bird
    2010s,  Review

    Review – Black Bird

    Yoshiro Kimura and his cohorts have my eternal gratitude for Chulip. So, I don't think there's any situation where I wouldn't be willing to try something new from them. Black Bird is a pretty far cry from promiscuous smooching, but that's okay. At least in this case.

  • Image via Monomi Park
    2010s,  Review

    Review – Slime Rancher

    Slime Rancher is among the most successful cozy games in the niche, and for the most part, I love it. However, it's like a glass of milk; it's very enjoyable at first, but if you sit with it too long, it starts to smell and you don't want to drink it.

  • 2010s,  Review

    Review – The Manga Works

    I like to consider myself a writer. Sometimes. Not a manga writer, but I craft stories. Not right now, this... this is just conversational writing. But I still stay perched in front of my craft for unhealthy amounts of time each day, just like what is conveyed in The Manga Works.

  • 2010s,  Review

    Review – La-Mulana

    Completing La-Mulana without a guide is a feat of strength. That's probably why I couldn't do it. After an unsuccessful run some years ago, I tried again on another console and with a begrudged willingness to get outside help. It went a lot better this time.