Review – Cyberpunk 2077
I love cyberpunk, by which I mean the genre, not the game. The game is just all right. I'm not mad about its launch. To be honest, I didn't care. But even with all its performance issues and bugs under control, Cyberpunk 2077 is just another open world game.
Review – Halo: Reach
I can’t claim to be a fan of Halo. More accurately, I love the idea of Halo. I love what it stands for. When the Xbox first hit the market with Halo, it was an amazing game to showcase what the console was all about. It was fresh and exciting; an evolution of the First Person Shooter that would set…
Review – Onimusha: Warlords (2019 Remaster)
Around the time of Onimusha Warlord’s release, I was still firmly a Nintendo Fangirl. It would be a few years before I finally branched out and embraced all games, regardless of what filthy console they’re played on. I saw Onimusha’s commercials frequently enough at the time that it stuck in my mind, but I never played it. Years later, I…
Review – Doom (2016)
I reacquainted myself with Doom back in high school after I discovered the wonders of the zDoom platform. I remember, at the time, telling a friend of mine that I’d rather play Doom than a modern shooter like Halo, which was relatively new at the time. He scoffed, either chalking it up to hyperbole or nostalgia. Years later, and I…
Review – Cuphead
I, like many people, was taken in initially by Cuphead’s art style. Capturing the look of animation’s golden era, with comma eyes and rubbery limbs, it has a distinct look that elevates it above many of its pixel art peers. The gameplay, on the other hand, looked pretty ho-hum and it appeared to be at risk of falling into the…