Review – Mega Man X3
I often regard the six original Mega Man games as sort of one single game. They were all basically the same title, with small tweaks and additions made throughout. You get a power-slide in 3, a chargeable buster in 4, and so on and so forth, but otherwise they were essentially interchangeable. This ended when Mega Man X hit the…
Review – Mega Man X2
The Mega Man series left a sizeable footprint on the NES after 6 titles in total were released on it. That’s pretty extreme. What amuses me is that they were all essentially the same game. Each had similar graphics and spritework, minutely improving after each title, and each had the exact same framework. Not that I’m complaining, Mega Man is…
Review – Mega Man X
Even if it has been mentioned before, it bears repeating: I love Mega Man. I hold the NES titles in such high regard that I view them as a benchmark for similar titles on the console. In terms of challenge, control, and length, I feel it’s those games were the absolute sweet spot. They’re not perfect, but I think they’re…
Review – Doom (2016)
I reacquainted myself with Doom back in high school after I discovered the wonders of the zDoom platform. I remember, at the time, telling a friend of mine that I’d rather play Doom than a modern shooter like Halo, which was relatively new at the time. He scoffed, either chalking it up to hyperbole or nostalgia. Years later, and I…
Review – Never Stop Sneakin’
I have a pretty severe distaste for Metal Gear Solid, but I will readily admit that it is stylish, which is probably a big factor in its lasting popularity. It copied its MSX predecessors’ palette of cool blues and greys, giving it a cold and sterile appearance, then bloated it out into full 3D. It really owned its blocky, pixelated…
Review – The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The original Legend of Zelda is one of the earliest games I remember experiencing, and the one I often cite as my gateway into the hobby. It’s a landmark title for me. For most of my gaming career, it remained one of my favourite series. However, my enthusiasm has waned after the last few entries disappointed to differing degrees. Twilight…
Review – Super Mario Odyssey
The Mario series has gone everywhere; from single-screen arcade games, to super, to lands, to worlds, to… 64’s and sunshines. Anecdotally, a lot of people were wondering where Mario could possibly go after Super Mario Galaxy. Super Mario Universe? Super Mario Continuum? We got Super Mario Galaxy 2, which coyly avoided the question; how do you go bigger than the Galaxy?…
Review – Wonderboy: The Dragon’s Trap (Remake)
There are a lot of very good reasons why the Sega Master System isn’t as well known as the NES — its comparatively small library of games, its atrocious standards for cover-art, the belief that basically every game was as ugly as a fermenting banana and controlled like trash, the fact that its controllers were maddeningly uncomfortable and the pause…