• Review,  Video Games

    Review – Quadrilateral Cowboy

    I’ve felt a lot of goodwill toward Brendan Chung ever since Citizen Abel: Gravity Bone blew my young mind with its expert melding of interactivity and narrative. Quadrilateral Cowboy sounded like a game he was making specifically for my own specific interests. Hacking, old computer hardware, his own personal twist on storytelling; it’s a recipe that gets my thighs grinding.…

  • Review,  Video Games

    Review – Hypnospace Outlaw

    I’m old enough to remember the internet before the dot–com bubble burst. I’d boot up my Intel 486 powered, Windows 3.1, beige monstrosity and, with a burst of horrid screeching noises, log onto the ‘net. The youth of the internet was an awkward phase filled with spinning gifs and noisy backgrounds. “Surfing the web” meant navigating from site to site…

  • Review,  Video Games

    Review – Resident Evil 2 (2019 Remake)

    Things have changed a lot with me since Resident Evil 2 on the N64 was giving me nightmares in grade school. What I once viewed as a thrilling and tantalizing mystery that drove my imagination into dark territory, I can now see as the hilariously campy schlock it is. The plausible reality of a zombie virus now feels like the…

  • Review,  Video Games

    Review – Onimusha: Warlords (2019 Remaster)

    Around the time of Onimusha Warlord’s release, I was still firmly a Nintendo Fangirl. It would be a few years before I finally branched out and embraced all games, regardless of what filthy console they’re played on. I saw Onimusha’s commercials frequently enough at the time that it stuck in my mind, but I never played it. Years later, I…

  • Review,  Video Games

    Review – Earthworm Jim 3D

    It’s impossible to understate how much of a fan I was of Earthworm Jim in my youth. I was already a veteran of the first two games in the series, and had watched the cartoon every weekend until it was off the air. So when a third game was announced for the N64, it was safe to say I was…

  • Review,  Video Games

    Review – Yomawari: Night Alone

    I’m not so sure about horror games, anymore. Back in my younger days, I was easily frightened by the Resident Evil series. Heck, I remember dealing with frequent nightmares after the release of the Gamecube remake of the original game in the series. These days, however, I’m too confident in my capabilities in video games and too analytical of gameplay…

  • Review,  Video Games

    Review – The Messenger

    The pixel art style was once rather contentious. Anecdotally, many of the complaints I heard were that it was simply a ploy to try and sucker people who are easily swayed my nostalgia. That may have once been the case, but these days, the emulation of low resolution sprite art seems to more frequently be employed as a way of…