Review – The Manga Works
I like to consider myself a writer. Sometimes. Not a manga writer, but I craft stories. Not right now, this... this is just conversational writing. But I still stay perched in front of my craft for unhealthy amounts of time each day, just like what is conveyed in The Manga Works.
Dating Adzuken – Pub Encounter
Taking a diversion from the normal schoolday dating sims, it's time to look at a romantic visual novel with real men. By which I mean, anime men that are old enough to legally drink. I don't know if maturity is what I'm looking for, because goodness knows I'm lacking in that department.
Dating Adzuken – Nicole
I really wasn't expecting anything to top Iris School of Wizardry in dark turns, but somehow Nicole found a way. I'm not new to having a game make me feel uncomfortable, but it's always unfortunate when it happens. I don't even think it was intentional with Nicole, it just happened.
Review – Elder Scrolls Blades
I am well-versed in Elder Scrolls. Practically read the titular scrolls myself. Can't see a thing. So, I guess I'll try the mobile game they're pushing. How bad could it be, right? Haha! You can see where this is going. It's not great, friend. It's not great.
Dating Adzuken – Iris School of Wizardry
I picked Iris School of Wizardry because I found it amusing that the academy of this wizard school is the same one used in Magical Diary. Probably a coincidence. I don't want to spoil things for you, but this one take a horrific hard turn that I did not see coming.
Review – Game Dev Story
Kairosoft games somehow manage to cover a large variety of subjects while still following a pretty strict formula. It's an addicting formula, and that's maybe part of the problem. Nonetheless, I'm still endeared by them, and feel the need to play their games occasionally. It all started with Game Dev Story.
Review – Shadowrun: Dragonfall – Director’s Cut
Shadowrun Returns set the groundwork for Harebrained Scheme's trilogy, and Dragonfall picks up the ball and runs with it. Wait... I guess "builds on it" would be the better follow-up to that analogy, but it's not as fun as taking a ball and running with it.
Review – Never Stop Sneakin’
I have a pretty severe distaste for Metal Gear Solid, but I will readily admit that it is stylish, which is probably a big factor in its lasting popularity. It copied its MSX predecessors’ palette of cool blues and greys, giving it a cold and sterile appearance, then bloated it out into full 3D. It really owned its blocky, pixelated…