Review – Rock’n Rage
Musicians traveling through time is strangely well-trodden ground. Rock'n Rage could be called a pioneer of it. Maybe? It involves bandmates hitting mummies with their instruments. I'm not sure there's another game like it out there, so that's positive. It's just too bad the quality isn't quite there.
Review – Clock Tower 3
Clock Tower: Rewind left me primed to jump into Clock Tower 3, only not really. Going into it, one of the few things I knew about Clock Tower 3 is that it isn't related much to the previous games. That much is true, and I'm not sure what it is actually related to.
Review – China Gate
Technos might be better known for the Double Dragon and Kunio-Kun games, but they've gone weirder with their beat-'em-ups. China Gate is a 1988 arcade game about the cast of Journey to the West fighting Oompa Loompas and Danny DeVito. I may be stretching things a bit with my interpretation.
Review – Bonze Adventure
The best part of playing Bonze Adventure is probably learning what a bonze is. I'm not sure I'll ever use that knowledge, but at least it's there now. And knowledge is power. Unfortunately, Bonze Adventure is has some great character design within, but not much else going for it.
Review – Psycho Dream
The opening credits showed the director, Kenichi Nishi. “I know that name,” I thought to myself. I initially believed it was maybe because he had something to do with Valis, but I knew it was something more significant than that. No, wait. Kenichi Nishi was at Love-de-Lic before he co-founded Skip. The dude helped create Chibi-Robo!
Review – Army Men: Air Attack 2 (PS1)
Whenever I mention my interest in the Army Men series to anyone "normal" they often mention that they liked the helicopter one. But despite the anecdotal evidence that Air Attack is the favorite, I'm not sure I've ever met anyone who has played Air Attack 2. I wonder why.
Review – Cyberpunk 2077
I love cyberpunk, by which I mean the genre, not the game. The game is just all right. I'm not mad about its launch. To be honest, I didn't care. But even with all its performance issues and bugs under control, Cyberpunk 2077 is just another open world game.
Review – Bear and Breakfast
Running a chain of hotels while also being a bear is a pretty enticing concept. There's potential for maulings, but the goal is to be a bit more wholesome and relaxing. Weirdly, while Cult of the Lamb is a lot less wholesome, it manages to be more relaxing than Bear and Breakfast.
Review – 007 From Russia with Love
I don't know why more James Bond games haven't gone back to a previous era of the film series, but it's only happened, like, once. That was 007 From Russia With Love featuring Sean Connery. It's an odd choice and an odd game, but not necessarily in a good way.
Review – Chameleon Twist 2
It's great that Chameleon Twist got a second chance with a sequel. And, credit where it's due, some of the problems of the first game have been ironed out. However, lumpy heads and a generally unpolished feel means that Chameleon Twist 2 doesn't quite elevate the experience quite enough.