Review – Clock Tower 3
Clock Tower: Rewind left me primed to jump into Clock Tower 3, only not really. Going into it, one of the few things I knew about Clock Tower 3 is that it isn't related much to the previous games. That much is true, and I'm not sure what it is actually related to.
Review – ToeJam & Earl III: Mission to Earth
The third entry in the ToeJam & Earl series doesn't exactly have the best reputation. It called to me, though. Panic in Funkotron turned out to be exactly what I needed at that time, so I feel like I owe ToeJam & Earl III: Mission to Earth a chance, at the very least.
Review – Road Trip
Road Trip is a game about ascending in the government ranks by winning a racing championship. Despite that, and despite the fact that Road Trip is based on the Choro Q line of toy cars, this game is more about driving than it is racing. With talking cars, no less.
Review – Resident Evil (Remake)
One of the major gaming memories I commonly cite is the time when the Resident Evil remake on Gamecube gave me nightmares. Because, you know, I’d rather tell you about myself at my wussiest, rather than, say, how great I was at F-Zero GX. I think I just had to play it because it was the prettiest game I’d seen…
Review – Pocky & Rocky With Becky
I’ve been revisiting the Kiki Kaikai series as part of research for another article I wrote. While digging up details on some of the games I know less about, I encountered the fact that the sole Gameboy Advance game in the series, Kiki Kaikai Advance — otherwise localized as the bizarrely named Pocky & Rocky with Becky — was released…
Review – Metroid Prime
After an eight year haitus, Metroid returned in a big way. On the same day in 2002, Metroid Fusion for the Gameboy Advance and Metroid Prime for the Gamecube were released in North America. Fusion was a traditional sidescroller developed internally at Nintendo and closely follows the gameplay of Super Metroid. Prime, on the other hand was given off to…
Review – Lost Kingdoms
I first encountered Lost Kingdoms as a rental way, way back in my adolescent years, during that post-console launch drought that followed the GameCube’s release. I found it interesting because it had a female protagonist back when the market was moving swiftly away from them, and it had a dark, grim atmosphere without descending into horror. It stuck with me,…
Review – Army Men: Turf War
Turf War is the last of the three Army Men titles on Game Boy Advance. It's interesting, since it uses 3D models over 2D backdrops. Sort of like the Tony Hawk GBA games. Unfortunately, that's about the only thing interesting about it. It isn't as bad as it could be, though.
Review – The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Once upon a time, just before I set off to college, I got the itch to play an RPG. I had either The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind or Neverwinter Nights in mind, and I ended up choosing the former. It set off a love affair that I still won’t shut up about to this day. I still need to go…