Review – Psycho Dream
The opening credits showed the director, Kenichi Nishi. “I know that name,” I thought to myself. I initially believed it was maybe because he had something to do with Valis, but I knew it was something more significant than that. No, wait. Kenichi Nishi was at Love-de-Lic before he co-founded Skip. The dude helped create Chibi-Robo!
Review – Army Men: World War: Final Front
I'm still reeling from the punishment inflicted by Land Sea Air. However, I still had faith in the World War sub-series of Army Men. Thankfully, Final Front isn't nearly as bad as LSA, but that bar was set pretty low. Weirdly, this isn't actually the final game in the series.
Review – Army Men: Air Attack 2 (PS1)
Whenever I mention my interest in the Army Men series to anyone "normal" they often mention that they liked the helicopter one. But despite the anecdotal evidence that Air Attack is the favorite, I'm not sure I've ever met anyone who has played Air Attack 2. I wonder why.
Review – Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate
I got to meet my heroes recently, The Brothers Chaps. Well, not meet them, but communicate over email. That might be the only way, since I have the suspicion that they don't exist outside the internet. Their corporeal form is entirely hearsay to me. Anyway, here's Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate.
3 Child Endangering NES Intros
Rescued from the now sunk Destructoid community blogs, this article harkens back to a time when I was desperate for attention. I mean, I still am, but I was then, too. It's about how 8-bit children threw themselves headlong into danger, sometimes for the promise of candy, other times through coercion.
Review – Harvester
Harvester haunts me. It's incredible that this game came out in '96, because even the seediest, most experimental side of the indie and alternative markets would struggle to conjure something even nearly as evocative and bizarre as the dark, twisted, and disgustingly effective world that Steve finds himself in.
Review – Final Fantasy VII Remake
If you know me, it might surprise you to hear that I actually like Final Fantasy VII. I was skeptical about a remake, and I still think it's lame Square Enix is splitting it into three parts? Does VII Remake suggest it was worth it. Pfft, no it does not.
Review – Castlevania X: Rondo of Blood
As a fan of the Castlevania series, it might be surprising that I've only now finally gotten around to beating Rondo of Blood. I had even completed Dracula X years before, so figure that one out. Now that I've finally consummated with it, here's what I think.
Review – Castlevania
I still remember the day after I first completed Castlevania. I met with my friend and said to him, "Okay, you're really not going to care or even understand what I'm going to tell you, so just pretend to be excited: I beat Castlevania." He was very convincing in his performance.
Review – Metal Slug
Do you know the Tragically Hip song "Bobcaygeon?" That's actually the next town over from where I grew up. There was a bowling alley there (it burned down), and they had a limited number of arcade machines. For a period, one of these machines was Metal Slug. I've been in love ever since.