Review – Sparkster (SNES)
Rocket Knight Adventures remains my favourite game on the Genesis, so it’s heartening to see that Limited Run Games has a collection on the way. I preordered the Ultimate Edition because sometimes you have to spoil yourself. I love RKA, and what other opportunities will I have to really express that in the form of consumerism? But while I’m happy…
Review – Star Fox
Star Fox and me, we go way back. I played it when I was very young, and I didn't care about the polygonal 3D graphics. At this point, its technologically antiquated, but that doesn't mean there isn't any value in playing it today.
Review – Actraiser
Having reviewed the remake, Actraiser: Renaissance, I decided to return to the original. Not for comparison's sake, exactly, but because you can never get enough Actraiser. It's a mix of playing god and hitting things with a sword. It's like if SimCity had segments where you play as Michael Myers.
Review – Clay Fighter 2: Judgment Clay
Despite really enjoying the first game in the Clay Fighter series (as a kid), I never had much of a chance to play the sequel until I was much older. I had a friend who had played it and told me stories, and that just kind of made me jealous.
Review – Demon’s Crest
This is the oddly named third game in the Gargoyle's Quest series. Demon's Crest ditches the more cartoonish aspects of the previous game and goes full horror. Firebrand is also a hot piece of toast, and people don't read this far down in these excerpts, do they? That would be embarrassing.