Review – Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
Star Wars and I have a rocky relationship. Had, I should say, it's over now. But back in the day, I was all about that galaxy far, far away. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader hit before disillusionment set in, but how will I look on it today?
Review – 007 From Russia with Love
I don't know why more James Bond games haven't gone back to a previous era of the film series, but it's only happened, like, once. That was 007 From Russia With Love featuring Sean Connery. It's an odd choice and an odd game, but not necessarily in a good way.
Review – Road Trip
Road Trip is a game about ascending in the government ranks by winning a racing championship. Despite that, and despite the fact that Road Trip is based on the Choro Q line of toy cars, this game is more about driving than it is racing. With talking cars, no less.
Review – Castlevania: Lament of Innocence
A 3D Castlevania has never been executed well, and there are no exceptions. There are just varying ways you can look at them optimistically. I would not look at Lament of Innocence favourably. In fact, I think the N64 titles are more worthwhile, even if there's more jank to be found.
Review – No More Heroes
Travis Touchdown isn't exactly an enviable protagonist, being a bloodthirsty lecher possibly warped by the anime and video games he's obsessed with. However, the fact that he has obsessions beyond adventure makes him one of the most relatable game protagonists I know. Also, the game is interesting. The whole thing is, really.
Review – Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes 2 (PS1)
I've established this before, but ports of Army Men games were often completely distinct from one another. Sarge's Heroes 2 on PS1 is a pretty stark example of this. It follows the general framework of the other versions, but for some reason, this one got injected with LSD. Or however people use that drug.
Review – Retro Game Challenge
If you consider yourself a retro gamer, then Game Center CX might be up your alley, since it's a celebration of old games. It even, appropriately, got its own video games, with the first being localized as Retro Game Challenge. It's a unique way of capturing the bygone era.
Review – Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered
As a sizeable Ghostbusters fan, the prospect of a new game was pretty exciting back in 2009. The remaster provides an excuse to dive back into it and see if the hype was appropriate. Ghostbusters has a history of bad video game adaptations, but was this one any different?
Review – Sin & Punishment Star Successor
It's incredible that we ever got a sequel to Sin & Punishment. It launched in the twilight days of the N64 and didn't sell very well. Star Successor isn't a great fit for how Nintendo was pushing the Wii at the time. But somehow the stars aligned and here we are.
Review – Army Men: Major Malfunction
After 3DO went bust, Global Star obtained the rights to Army Men and passed development off to Team17. Yes, that Team17. However, I can't stress enough: 3DO's developers weren't the problem. As proof of this, Major Malfunction, despite being created by an established developer, is one of the worst games in the series.