Review – RoboCop (NES)
RoboCop is a great movie, but great movies don't always make for great games. In fact, they rarely have. Especially in the '80s. But does RoboCop break from the standard and become an exception? No, it doesn't, but it's also not that bad. I guess I gave away the review in this excerpt.
Review – DuckTales (NES)
I played DuckTales rather early in life, so I have an unshakeable fondness for it. It shows Capcom when they were showing how licensed games didn't have to be mediocre claptrap. DuckTales is easily the best game about a geriatric duck pogo sticking around on his way to find treasure.
Review – Dragon Warrior III
For quite a long while, I couldn't stomach JRPGs at the best of time. However, in order to acquire a taste, I jumped in at the deep end with the Dragon Warrior (Quest) games on NES. Dragon Warrior 3 was the one I heard the most praise for, so I was very curious.
Review – Earthbound Beginnings
Earthbound is an extremely meaningful game to me, so of course it feels right to branch out to the other games in the series. Mother (Earthbound Beginnings) was the first game I ever imported on Famicom. However, whether or not I like it is more complicated than just yes or no.
Review – Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
The follow-up to Maniac Mansion drops the horror/sci-fi pretense to attempt full comedy. It features a tabloid writer looking for an escape from his job. Or something. Honestly, Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders could do with a head shake. But it is a SCUMM adventure game, so it's not all bad.